Friday, July 20, 2012

Boy Crazy

7/20/12- Friday

I've always known guys are a different species and completely out there compared to women. I had lots of guy friends in Michigan. Had a few really close girlfriends who always had to have boyfriends also. I thought I understood guys pretty well. 

I've just moved to Arizona from Michigan to live with my dad for my last year of  high school. Long story short: My mom and I have never gotten along real well- but I'll save my mom for a later blog. {God knows she's done enough for me to write a whole novel} Anyway, back to my guy dilemma. So my dad sets me up {yes, my dad set me up} with a 19 year old that he works with {btw, I'm turning 18}. My dad was really excited for me to meet him so we'd started contacting each other be4 my move to Az. We've hung out twice; Once we took his jeep out to the mountains- On our way to drop me off he says that he thought I was boring when I was texting him, but now that he'd met me he was glad we hung out and I was definitely worthy to be taken around his friends. So I was flying high {other than the fact that he'd thought I was boring- tho perhaps that is why he dressed like a hobo that time...}. I had gotten the show-off to friends card! And then he laughed and told me that because I was my dad's daughter it would be a couple dates be4 he'd try anything intimate. 

Then we went three days with absolutely no contact... I tried not to worry myself because my dad and his co-workers work odd shifts. I told myself he was just working a lot and I had nothing to worry about {I'd gotten the show-off to friends card, I was safe}.

The second time {when he finally texted me enough to have a conversation} would have been a trip to Wal-mart and then his house, but I messed that one up. I lost my phone and didn't read the text till the next morning. I apologized and we started texting again and he asked me if I wanted to hang out I said okay and we went and ran a few errands before we went back to his house where I met one of his roommates. And then we sat in his room and talked. I invited him to dinner with me and my step-mom and dad for my birthday...he gave me this look, like asking me if he had to. I shrugged it off, but it kinda stung. Then he brought me home. No kissing, no hand holding... didn't even want to walk me to the door...{that last part has me worried}.

It's been 3 days again with no contact... So I guess I'm looking for advice... Maybe some reassurances{Am I looking to deep into this?} or even some warning. Should I stick it out, and try to understand him, or should I just give up and call it quits?
